eCTD submission
eCTD Dossier

Can You Really Achieve 60% Faster eCTD Dossier Publishing?

In the competitive world of pharmaceuticals, the ability to publish eCTD dossiers quickly and accurately can be the difference between securing a market lead and falling behind. Imagine being able to reduce your dossier publishing time by 60%! This isn’t just a dream; with the right tools, it’s entirely achievable.  Enter KnowledgeNET, where innovation meets […]

eCTD submission

US FDA will be accepting eCTD submission with U.S. Regional DTD V3.3 only from 1st March 2022

The US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA or Agency) has announced the date that they will no longer support electronic submissions using the Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) Backbone Files Specification for Module 1 Version 1.3, Comprehensive Table of Contents Headings and Hierarchy Version 1.2.2, U.S. Regional Document Type Definition (DTD) Version 2.01 after March 1, […]

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